As a good corporate citizen, Metro Global Holdings Corporation (Formerly Fil-Estate Corporation) has always endeavored to conduct its business in a manner conforming to the highest ethical standards. The company's reputation for unquestionable integrity is its most valuable asset in its relationships with its customers, employees, shareholders, and the communities in which its branches and projects are located.

The following statement of business principles has been prepared to guide the future conduct of company activities in an ethical and legal manner. It is not intended to supply answers for every business activity; rather, it is an effort to reiterate the continuing policies of the corporation on ethical business behavior, which must be observed by all Directors, Senior management, Fil-Estate employees and representatives throughout the world. It is essential that all employees and representative conform to these principles as they perform their activities on behalf of Fil-Estate.

  • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

      As a good corporate citizen, Metro Global Holdings, Inc. has always endeavored to conduct its business in a manner conforming to the highest ethical standards. The company’s reputation for unquestionable integrity is its most valuable asset in its relationships with its customers, employees, and shareholders. The following statement of business principles has been prepared to guide the future conduct of company activities in an ethical and legal manner. It is not intended to supply answers for every business activity; rather, it is an effort to reiterate the continuing policies of the corporation on ethical business behavior, which must be observed by all employees and representatives throughout the world. It is essential that all employees and representative conform to these principles us they perform their activities on behalf of the Metro Global Holdings, Inc.

      Click here to read more.
  • Board Diversity Policy

      In line with Metro Global Holdings Corporation's commitement to the principles fo good corporate governance, the Board Deiversity Policy is hereby established to ensure that the Board has an appropriate mix of expertise, experience, independce, and skills that would change encourage critical discussion and promote a balances decision in the attainment of the Company's strategic objectives and sustainable Development.

      Click here to read more.
  • Material Related Party Transaction (MPRT) Policy

      This Material Related Party Transaction Policy ("MRPT Policy") is adopted by Metro Global Holdings Corporation ("the Company") to comply with Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2019 re: Rules on Material Related Party Transaction for Publicly Listed Companies, subject to the provisions of the Revised Corporation Code, Securities Regulations Code, Philippines Stock Exhange Disclosure Rules, Code or Corporate Governance for Publicly-Listed Companies, and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations of the Philippines.

      Click here to read more.

      For the Current Year 2024 Material Related Party Transaction are below Threshold amount.

  • Insider Trading Policy
      Business Conduct & Ethics
      Senior Management
      Insider Trading

      Directors are required to protect and hold confidential all non-public information obtained due to their directorship position absent the express or implied permission of the Board of the Directors ro disclose such information. Accordingly,

      1. No Director shall use Confidential information for his or her own personal benefit or to benefit persons or entities outside the Company;and

      2. No Director shall disclose Confidential information outside the Company, either during or after his or her service as a Director of the Company, except with authorization of the Board of Directors or as may be otherwise requried by law.

      The Senior Management shall comply with the relevant rules of the Company relating to the protection of the trade secrets, and shall not disclose or use any confidential information with respect to the Company without autorization, except as required in the performance of their duties.

      When handling financial and personal information about customers or others with whom the Company has dealings, observe the following principles:

      1. Collect, use, and retain only the personal information necessarry for the Company's business. Whenever possible, obtain any relevant information directly from the person's concerned. Use only reputable and reliable sources to supplement this information.

      2. Retain information only for as long as necessary or as required by law. Protect the physical security of this information.

      3. Limit internal access to personal information to those with a legitimate business reason for seeking that information. Use only personal infromation for the purposes for which it was originally obtained. Obtain the consent of the person concerned before externally disclosing any personal information, unless legal process or contractual obligation provides otherwise.

  • Conflict of Interest Policy
      Business Conduct & Ethics
      Senior Management
      Conflict of Interest

      Directors are responsible for avoiding situations that present or create the appearance of a potential conflict between their interest and those of the Company. Any situation that invlves, or may reasonably be expected to involve, a conflict of interest with the Company, should be disclosed promptly to the Chair of the Committee on Directors or the Corporate Secretary.

      To avoid conflict of interest, the Senior Management are prohibited from

      (a) taking for themsleves personally oppurtunities that are properly within the scope of the Company's activities;

      (b) using corporate property, information or position for personal gain; or

      (c) competing with the Company.

      Fil-Estate expects that employees will perform their duties conscientiously, honestly and in accordance with the best interest of the company. Employees must not use their position or the knowledge gained as a result of their position for private or personal advantage.

  • Policy and Data Relating to Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees including company sponsored trainings

      The health of every employee shall be maintained at its highest level:

      1. With existing health plan coverage,
      2. With emergency medicine kita complete with emergency medicines,
      3. With company nurse to address employees' health needs; assessment and , or referrral of employee/s health condition in the workplace.
      4. Employees are required to consult a Physician if sick leave is more than two days and a medical certificate/clearance is required before resumption of work.
      5. Pre-employment physical examination to newly hired employees.
      6. Annual physical examination to all regular employees.

      We are committed to having a workplace prepared to meet current and future business objectives by providing our employees, at all levels, with appropriate education and training oppurtunities.

      1. All employees will be oriented in the philosophy, ethics, values, priciples and business priorities of the company, such as induction into their group/department.
        1. Company Orientation Programme is conducted to all new employees.
        2. Job induction/orientation is also facilitated by the Immediate Superior - where job standards are met.
      2. Our employees will only take up high job responsibilities when they have completed the minimum level of training specified for that job.
        1. KSA are defined per position.
        2. Attendance to public seminars and workshop are required to address gap per KSA.
          1. Officers (Managers up) are also encouraged to attend such seminars to update their KSAs.
        3. In-house training is also provided which are customized to the job needs as well as personal needs.
      3. All first time managers shall successfully complete specified supervisory training within a specified period of appointment.
        1. Promotional Program
        2. Management Development Program
        3. Candidate must have attended a trainin program related to his present function or to the operation of the department.
  • Whistle-blowing Policy
      Business Conduct & Ethics
      Senior Management
      Whistle Blower

      Directors shoudl promote ethical behavior and an environment in which the Company encourages employees to talk to supervisors, managers or other appropriate personnel about illegal and unethical behavior and, when in doubt, about the best course of action in a particular situation.

      The Senior Management shall consult the appropriate personnel of the management at any time if they have doubt regarding the compliance of their behavior with the Code. The Senior Management are required to report to the management and the Board of any violations ofunder the laws, internal rules of the Company and the Code caused by their own or others' conduct. The Company shall make every effort to ensure the confidentiality of those furnishing suchc reports and hsall not take any retaliation in any form against any person for such reports.

      Regardless of the circumstances, if employees sense that a course of action they have pursued pursuing, or are contemplating pursuing may involve them in a conflict of interest with their employers, they should immediately communicate all the fact to their superior.

  • Enterprise Risk Management

      The Company’s policy is to maintain risk at an acceptable level. The management gathers all material information before committing funds while the BOD reviews and approves policies of managing liquidity and credit risks. The system is reviewed whenever necessary. And the Company continuously conducts an internal review of its capital and financial risk management objectives and policies.

      Risk Exposure
      Risk Management Policy
      Financial Exposure Risk

      Directors are responsible for avoiding situations that present or create the appearance of a potential conflict between their interest and those of the Company. Any situation that invlves, or may reasonably be expected to involve, a conflict of interest with the Company, should be disclosed promptly to the Chair of the Committee on Directors or the Corporate Secretary.

      To avoid foreign currency risks and exchange losses

      Liquidity risk

      The Company coordinates and negotiates closely with its parent company, Fil-Estate Management, Inc. to manage cash flow risks by jointly identifying new sources of cash flows through potential future investment and/or cash flow infusions into the Company over the next five years.

      To manage cash flow risks.

      Credit risk

      The Company’s cash is deposited with a reputable bank that belonged to the top three banks in the Philippines and is approved by management.

      To maintain a high grade of credit quality of the Company’s financial assets

      Equity price risk

      Movement in share price of the Company is monitored regularly.

      To determine the impact of the Company’s share price on its financial position.

      Capital Management

      The company’s policy is to keep a gearing ratio of 60% or lower which is net debt divided by total capital.

      To maintain a substantial capital base sufficient to support its long-term investment and holding company mandate.